Live Action Short Film
Happy accidents can help us to get free from where we are to where we want to be. Everyday, we face obstacles whether big or small, but sometimes unexpected events help us to overcome them. We break free from rules that confine us and hop back into reality with a fresh new energy.
Ming Tai, Charles Rose
Yeon Kim
Concept Development, Storyboarding, Set Design, Producer, Director, Animator
Canon C200 Mark II, Canon 5D Mark IV, After Effects, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Audition CC, Lightroom
As our creative approach, me and my teammate wanted to narrate the power of serendipity in overcoming a creative block. When a pencil accidentally rolls off the desk, an artist confronts her barriers in three stages of journey and ultimately finds inspiration. At first, the journey starts in the fabric room where she breaks free from confinement. Then she stumbles on a broken piece of mirror and recognizes an accidental opportunity. This leads her into the light room where inspiration finally flows through.
<Fabric Room> Mood Board:
key words / stifling, foggy, drowning, submerging
<Mirror Room> Mood Board:
key words / disorienting, shocking, mystifying, enigmatic
<Light Room> Mood Board:
key words / dreamy, magical, luminous, breezy
On Set Process/Exploration:
More Works
Live Action Short Film
Happy accidents can help us to get free from where we are to where we want to be. Everyday, we face obstacles whether big or small, but sometimes unexpected events help us to overcome them. We break free from rules that confine us and hop back into reality with a fresh new energy.
Mentors: Ming Tai, Charles Rose
Collaborators: Yeon Kim
Role: Concept Development, Storyboarding, Set Design,
Producer, Director, Animator
Tools: Canon C200 Mark II, Canon 5D Mark IV, After Effects,
Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Audition CC, Lightroom
As our creative approach, me and my teammate wanted to narrate the power of serendipity in overcoming a creative block. When a pencil accidentally rolls off the desk, an artist confronts her barriers in three stages of journey and ultimately finds inspiration. At first, the journey starts in the fabric room where she breaks free from confinement. Then she stumbles on a broken piece of mirror and recognizes an accidental opportunity. This leads her into the light room where inspiration finally flows through.
<Fabric Room> Mood Board:
key words / stifling, foggy, drowning, submerging
<Mirror Room> Mood Board:
key words / disorienting, shocking, mystifying, enigmatic
<Light Room> Mood Board:
key words / dreamy, magical, luminous, breezy
On Set Process/Exploration: