Title Sequence, 3D Animation
In the film Whiplash(2014), the story focuses on the relationship of an ambitious jazz drummer and an abusive bandleader and how they are constantly clashing in a very psychological battle. Focusing on this premise of the story, my team and I asked the question: "What would Whiplash look like if the story was a music score?" Stemming from this simple question, we decided to develop our own graphic music notation and used it as our main framing device to allow to manifest into the plot of the film and show the escalating chaos visually. This title sequence shows the progressive intensification of both the score and the film in the form of abstract shapes derived from our own created graphic music notation.
Miguel Lee
Konosuke Matsushita, Vanessa Menache
Concept, Storyboard, Design, 3D Modeling, Animator
Cinema 4D, Physical Render, After Effects, Audition CC
Visual References:
graphic music notation
Mood Board:
key words / energetic, cinematic, tension, jazz
Our Created Graphic Music Notation Sketches:
Cinema 4D Modeling Process:
3D assets created from our sketches
More Works
Title Sequence, 3D Animation
In the film Whiplash(2014), the story focuses on the relationship of an ambitious jazz drummer and an abusive bandleader and how they are constantly clashing in a very psychological battle. Focusing on this premise of the story, my team and I asked the question: "What would Whiplash look like if the story was a music score?" Stemming from this simple question, we decided to develop our own graphic music notation and used it as our main framing device to allow to manifest into the plot of the film and show the escalating chaos visually. This title sequence shows the progressive intensification of both the score and the film in the form of abstract shapes derived from our own created graphic music notation.
Mentor: Miguel Lee
Collaborators: Konosuke Matsushita, Vanessa Menache
Role: Concept, Storyboard, Design, 3D Modeling, Animator
Tools: Cinema 4D, Physical Render, After Effects, Audition CC
Based on the arch of the narratives, me and my teammates documented and organized the key moments of conflict between the two main characters. Then we imagined how those segments will be translated into graphic music notations and started to create one of our own. We focused on the wide range of chaotic emotions that we felt throughout the film and combined those elements into a united piece of art to become a completed music note.
Visual Reference:
graphic music notation
Mood Board:
key words / energetic, cinematic, tension, jazz
Our Created Graphic Music Notation Sketches:
Cinema 4D Modeling Process:
3D assets created from our sketches